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We do this and we do that. We go here and we go there. But we’re never full, we always want the next experience. We can’t seem to set down our bones and rest. Not until…
What do you hunger for? What will give you rest? ___________________
I have …
Walked the Long Wall
Viewed the Heavenly Mountains
Crossed the Great Australian Bight
My mouth has …
Tasted of sprout and vine and fruit and flower
Drunk from the spirits of creek and river, rock and sand
Sipped the brine of great oceans from oysters pulsing in their shells
My flesh has …
Dipped in sulphur pools and whirling waters
Rolled in sandalwood and aloes, gardenia and night jasmine
Suffered birch beatings, coconut scrapings and burning by lime and ash
All that money can buy
All that time can spend
All to satisfy
The lust of the eye …
The craving of the body …
Yet there remains
A hunger in my soul …
To see your face
To touch your touch
O god my god!