When things get confusing, when everything threatens to fall in on itself, I’ll find a place to sit and close my eyes. And, between a hundred in-breaths, twenty hundred out-breaths, I find myself again.
It’s taken me almost a lifetime to learn to sit and be with myself, to be aware of my now and to let go.
Animals, they do it naturally.
Take a minute off and stare at a bird, a cat, a dog. Share what you see. Leave a comment.
Photo Credit: onlyresting.blogspot.com
Consider –
The curious art of the cat
Who does nothing but wait to pounce
At the right time
Consider –
The curious art of the dog
Who wags and waggles yet sleeps like the dead
Until he wakens
In the instance
Consider –
The curious art of the rooster
Who believes the daylight is his by mere possession
Of the farmyard
And the fuck
Consider –
The curious arts of the animals
Who do not know they die yet live
Each day
A moment at a time